Sunday, May 19, 2013

How did it get so late so soon?! ~Dr. Seuss

Its may already.. and its the end of may.. how did that happen??!! I have failed at updating this thing since being back..but that is what happens! so a little update would be good! I cant believe i have been home for 4 months. time just flew by like nothing. I got home and started applying for jobs and trying to figure out where to go to know the whole what do i do next situation. i was lucky enough to get hired on at the zoo in februaury and then started really working the end of march. this was one of the best things to happen. seriously things just fell into place. I was glad to have something to now do.. I enjoyed the time doing nothing but it was starting to wear Then after much thinking I decided that Utah State was where my next adventure was going to be. where it needed to be. To be honest I never wanted to go there. I never wanted to end up in Logan, but thats where i need to be. I am so grateful for guidance and being led to what needed to happen. coming home and having to decide what next is hard. its confusing. and it gets really lonely. Its hard to describe just exactly how you feel unless you have been there. even then its a little different for everyone. I miss alot.. i miss the people there and all the friends i left behind but all good things must end! but for here and now things are all decided and working out and it cant get much better then that!
then enters lots of work and being really tired again... but of course there was a lot of fun along the way! being back with my family and friends is never dull... i have loved every minute of it! so thats that in a nutshell! I hAvent been very good at taking pics since being home but that should change! its good to be back!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

To KoReA and BaCk AGaIn

well.. it was quite the adventure. I loved every minute of it. Now its back to some sort of reality. if this is what you want to consider reality. I will have to put some pictures up soon. and tell you a little about what went down in the land of the morning calm. I LOVE korea~

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This is the 2nd update for Sister Allred. Hopefully I can be a bit quicker in updating her blog while she is away. She is doing well and loving it at the MTC. Here are some bits from her email:
"Also last week I forgot to tell you about when we had a sub and we had to go play hide and go find the "investigator" it was so much fun! Brother Anderson went and ran out of the classroom and then we had to go find him and street contact him! it was really fun we all like booked it out of the classroom and ran to find him! then when we did we were talking and the classic what makes your church different then other churches questions came up and so we were like uhhh we have the spirit and then we couldn't even explain what it was.. but it was still fun!! Then on Saturday we had another TRC and this time it went so well!! We had to talk to them about prayer and since they were all ready members we just asked them questions and had them read scriptures on praying with real intent it was awesome! we had to do 2 twenty minute "lessons" and the second lesson we had two high school aged girls and they were so fun to teach! and they really helped us with our Korean and then like just made us laugh. there is such a difference when you are teaching and happy and the people you are teaching are happy. the spirit is so much stronger and they can learn a lot more from the spirit then from us with our broken Korean! So this next Saturday we are teaching about the Book of Mormon! I am so excited! especially since like I have found a new love for the Book of Mormon and I cant help but smile when I talk about it! Even in Korean! ha ha Seriously who knew that it could contain so much.. I'm shocked.. it is like my new best friend! I have gained a whole new testimony of it and what it can do to your life if you just read it!
I still have my moments of what in the world am I doing here but then the lord being well the Lord gives me the boosts I need.. and its usually through someone else! So remember that if you are prompted to say something or to just smile at someone do it.. you never know when the Lord is using you as someones help for that day! Try to be able to keep the spirit with you always he is such an awesome companion!!"
Well this is the end for now, more to come as Sister Allred's mission continues......

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mission Update #1

This is the first of many updates to Megan's BLOG by her family. She has asked up to keep everyone updated while she is serving her mission in the Korea Daejon Mission. Sister Allred left on July 27th and she has been out for almost 2 weeks now. She has asked that everyone please write her letters either through the mail or on This will help save time when she is able to access her email on her P-Day . We will be posting parts of her letters and emails on her BLOG.
Sister Allred is being taught by Brother Pendley. She has a great group of Sisters she is with. Her companion is Sister Sagers from Provo. Her roomies are Sister G ( I need to find her name) from Mongolia, Sister Knapp from Pocatello, Sister Grahamn and Sister Terry. Three of the group will be going to Daejon, and the others to Seoul and Pusan.
Sister Allred says, "I am actually loving it here so far and am so excited to actually be here. It's crazy how strong the Spirit is everywhere and how much I have learned about the Gospel and it's only my second day!"
This is a story she relayed to us:"Sister K hurt her back during the BBall game. During personal study she started crying and the Elders automatically jumped up and asked if she wanted a blessing. They found another Elder with oil and gave her a blessing. It was amazing! We were all in tears. What made it so special I think is that they did it without hesitation. I don't know if any other Elders would have jumped up so fast. It was cool. We are definitely blessed with having so many priesthood holders around."
So this is what we have so far. We expect to hear from her tomorrow and we will update as the weeks go by. Please remember her in your prayers and write her when you can.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the time has arrived!

well the time is here! I get set apart as a missionary TONIGHT!! AH!! There are so many emotions running through me its crazy! I cant believe its here! In April I thought it was so far away and im never going to get there and boom its time to start a new chapter in my life! I was so happy to see my friends on Sunday! I couldn't have been happier! I am so thankful for all of my support! So goodbye to my old life and hello to the mission! here are my addresses in case you didn't get them!
MTC Address ( I will be there until sometime in October)
Sister Megan Nicole Allred
MTC Mailbox # 305
KOR-DAE 1011
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Mission Home Address
Sister Megan Allred
Korea Daejeon Mission
Daejeon PO Box 38
Chungcheong-bukdo 300-600
South Korea
Phone: 82 42-628-1482


remember I would love to hear from you! Till we meet again!
-Megan over and out!

P.S. I will try to have someone update telling you all of my adventures!... we will see how that goes!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

lets slow it down...

man oh man time is flying by!! I only have two weeks.. TWO WEEKS! till I leave for my mission... crazy!! Everyone keeps asking me how im feeling.. how do you think im feeling?!? nervous, scared to death, sick, and amazingly happy all at the same time and that doesnt even scratch the surface. Today was my last day inside at work and I only have two more days of work total.. where has the time gone?? I felt like I had more time but it slips through your fingers and boom its gone. I feel like im not ready and I still have a ton to get but I guess in all reality I dont.. but doesnt everyone feel this way when something huge is going to happen in their life or is it just me?? I blame my sweet mother for making me a worry wart and stresser-outer... I could have done without these traits, my life would be so much more simple. Oh well I do and I have to manage through it and remember to grip onto reality. I dont know if I will update this before I leave but I will have my mom or sister update this on my many adventures in the MTC and Korea... man too weird I tell ya. Im just hoping I can get past my food fears and be a little adventurous and not be afraid to try things and not constantly feel like throwing up.. wish me luck! Dont get me wrong I am excited for this next chapter in my life and wouldnt want it any other way.. I mean this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and im going to take it and run with it! Just remember I love you all and I will miss you all dearly!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day!!

Well since it is fathers day I thought I should write something about my daddy. He is a goofball and if you know him you know what I mean! I love having fun with him and the good laughs that happen! I dont know what I would do without him! You can definitely tell he is his fathers son! Well daddy I sure do love you!!